Funeral Policy

You may be reading this page at a very trying time in your life.  We stand ready to help you celebrate the life of your loved one.  This brief guide will help you to navigate the coming days.

Funeral and memorial services at Windsor UCC are intended to honor those who have died, comfort their family and friends, and proclaim a witness to the resurrection in Jesus Christ.

Your next steps will depend on whether you intend to celebrate your loved one with a funeral service soon or to plan a memorial service at a later date.  

Guide for Funeral Services

First, contact a funeral home for initial arrangements.  A Funeral Director will be assigned to you.  A meeting with the Funeral Director will be scheduled to write and publish an obituary, including notification of your plan for funeral services. 

Either before contacting the funeral home, or after a meeting with a Funeral Director has been scheduled, please contact our Pastor.  Our Pastor can confirm dates the church is available to host funeral services or he is available to officiate at a funeral home. The Pastor will also schedule a time to meet with the family to plan to celebrate the life of your loved one.  

The Funeral Director will guide you through all the other details, including costs.

Guide for Memorial Services at a Later Date

For many reasons, families sometimes choose to delay memorial services to a later date. There are times when the later date is known in advance, and other times the date is determined later.  

In such times, an obituary is typically written in advance, cremation accomplished, and the family’s work with the Funeral Director is complete.

These steps will help guide you through the process of planning a memorial service at a later date.

First, call our Pastor to check on the availability of the church building. Please keep in mind that  the church may not be available on national holidays such as Memorial Weekend, Labor Day Weekend, the Fourth of July Weekend, Thanksgiving Week, and Christmas Week. There are also church holidays when the church may not be available such as Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost Sunday. 

Next, once a date has been chosen, arrangements will be made to plan the memorial service, which may include meeting on-line so that geographically dispersed family members can contribute to celebrate and honor a loved one.  

Without a Funeral Director, church staff and church members are organized to help guide you through the process.  Our pastor will talk with you about most all of these details and connect you with church members as needed.  The church office collects fees for memorial services.

The total cost of Memorial Services at Windsor UCC is $500.  This cost includes use of our building, and our Pastor and Music Director to officiate the funeral.  A catered luncheon is available for an additional charge.  

Funeral Homes

There are many funeral homes in the area. The two listed here have most often served our church community.

Ryan Funeral Homes & Cremation Services
6924 Lake Road
DeForest, WI 53532

From Ryan Website
Ryan Funeral Home is a fourth-generation family-owned and operated funeral home in the Madison area and is the oldest. The family has been serving individuals of all faiths and backgrounds in the greater Madison area since 1938.

Gunderson Funeral and Cremation Care
5203 Monona Drive
Monona, WI 53716

From Gunderson Website
Gunderson Funeral Home has been serving the Madison area for many years. They are thankful to be an important part of this community and will continue their longstanding legacy of helping families honor their loved ones.


The church Fellowship Hall is available to families for receiving friends and for a meal following funeral and memorial services. Receptions at the church are catered with preferred caterers of Rude’s Lanes or Rodeside Grill, with several options from their menu. Church members will set up the room and be on hand to host the meal. While Fellowship Hall is available for no additional cost, catering is an extra cost depending on the menu chosen.

If a luncheon is desired, please call the office to be put in contact with our Congregational Life Committee: 608-846-5731. 

Scheduling Services

The Funeral Director will consult with the  to schedule the visitation, the services at church and at the cemetery, and the reception. The best days and times for services are Tuesday through Friday at 10AM, 11AM or 2PM.  Graveside, columbarium and mausoleum services can be scheduled in conjunction with the worship service at church, or at a separate time. 

Please keep in mind that  the church is not available on national holidays such as Memorial Weekend, Labor Day Weekend, the Fourth of July Weekend, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. There are also religious holidays when the church may not be available such as Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost Sunday. Additionally, there are other Festival Days such as Fall Festival, when the church will not be available.  

Planning Services

The family should make an appointment with the Pastor to plan the worship service together. The service will include: 

Reading of Scripture
Singing of hymns, psalms or spiritual songs
Giving of a Homily on the Word
Stating of affirmation of faith by the people
Giving thanks to God in prayer for life in Jesus Christ, the promise of the gospel, the gift of the Holy
Spirit, and the community of faith
Commending the one who has died to the care of God

Additionally, families may include Words of Remembrance for sharing personal experience, eulogies, and other expressions of love and affection.  There is also an opportunity for family members to read selected scriptures.

The Pastor will also officiate at the graveside, columbarium or mausoleum. The Pastor will use discretion regarding any guest who might be invited to participate in the service. 

The church provides bulletins for the worship service. 


Music in a funeral and memorial service serves to create a reverent atmosphere and to express the faith of the church. Our Music Director, David Schipper, is responsible for maintaining appropriate musical quality in the service. Ordinarily, he provides music for all services. The Pastor and the Music Director must approve all musical selections in advance of the service itself. Vocal or instrumental solos may be included if they are sacred in nature. Not all favorite music or popular music with special meaning for the deceased will be suitable for use in the church. Please consider using your favorite music at the visitation or reception if it cannot be used in the funeral.

Sanctuary Use Policy

The Funeral Director will contact the church office so that someone can be present when the flowers and/or the body are placed in the sanctuary. The church is generally open Tuesday – Friday from 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM, but arrangement for after hours access to the building can be arranged by calling the office (608-846-5731)

No nails, tacks or other materials that would damage church property are allowed. Flowers are to be removed by the family after services are completed.

Total seating capacity is 220 persons.

Other Rites

Fraternal, military, community, or other rites may take place outside the sanctuary or at the cemetery and will be conducted separately from the service of worship, usually following the benediction and before the reception.

Memorial Gifts

Family and friends of the deceased may wish to make memorial gifts to the church. The church address is 4434 2nd Street, P.O. Box 187, Windsor WI, 53598. When donors make gifts and provide their names and addresses, the family of the deceased is notified by the church office